Things can be requested through the AirAsia Online Call Center
Since August 2020, Air Asia has relocated AirAsia’s call centers to facilitate them through online live chat services. Now, if you want to contact the airline, you can no longer use the once active call center number, but use live chat.
The live chat service provided by Air Asia AVA is named after the acronym AirAsia Virtual Allstar. Where AVA is an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered live chat system that can serve customers accurately and practically and is available at any time.
AVA is literally the virtual assistant of the airline Air Asia, whose job is really to answer all questions, even customer complaints automatically and online. This service itself is available through the official web address of Air Asia, Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp.
In this service, you will not be in direct contact with officers, for example, using an AirAsia call center , but will be connected to a computer or called a chatbot. The content of the conversation was automatically sent to you. Here are some of the things you can get through this live chat service.
Mel recognizes ticket reservations or flight changes
One of the things you can do using AVA’s live chat service is to book your flight ticket. If you previously ordered directly or by phone, today you can only order it through this all-online service, which will later be sent to an email address.
It is very easy to book a ticket. The first step is to press the “book a flight” icon to book your flight. Then find this button in the main menu of the official Air Asia website. After pressing the command button, you will get some questions.
AVA, as a kind of virtual assistant for the airline, will ask you some questions about your flight. During the process, you will need to answer all the questions of the chatbot and follow the next steps. This process is almost similar to the ordering process if you use a manual AirAsia call center.
After completing the various questions, the AVA will direct you to the next page, which contains additional options. This includes adding luggage, choosing aircraft seats, and ordering different types of food and drinks. After that, fill in your name in the specified column, and then make a payment.
The process of booking tickets online without attending the AirAsia Call Centre Manual has been completed . And now all you have to do is wait for your ticket to be sent to your email address. In the pre-flight period, you can check the flight status of the aircraft and make changes to the booking.
How to check Air Asia Promo with this service
This AVA online service system can be used not only to book airline tickets and facilitate various changes, but also to obtain information about the various promotions offered by Air Asia. Of course you want to know, right?
In the airAsia call center system in the form of a live chat, you just need to enter the words “promo” or “promo” in the AVA chat room. You will then receive a response from an Air Asia chatbot. The answer offered is not a list of promotions for airlines, but in the form of tips.
As a Virtual Assistant, AVA’s live chat will help you by giving you tips on how to find promotionson the official website of the airline Ai r Asia. AVA will direct you to click on the section labeled “Promo Radar” to find out the various promotions offered by Air Asia and other airlines.
One of the promotions offered by Air Asia is to provide benefits to its customers who enter Air Asia BIG and pay using Air Asia BIGPay. There are many other pieces or benefits that can be enjoyed . All you have to do is try the information from AVA.
Don’t worry about refunds as AVA can help
Of course, when processing your air travel, you will sometimes encounter various obstacles and problems during the booking process. For example, you can always book a flight schedule for some reason, or a rescheduled trip, and even the process of booking a double plane ticket without an accident.
There may also be errors during the checkout process, for example, you pay twice on the same ticket. Of course, this will be very harmful if you do not pay back or refund what you have already given to Air Asia.
Because through the airAsia call center system , which has been changed online and automatically for everyone, you can take care of it quickly and easily. All you need to do is take advantage of the live chat service, namely AVA as a virtual assistant, and replace the call center.
The method opens a chat room with an AVA as usual. In the main menu, you can select the “refund” section, and then proceed to the next process, namely the “refund / request base” section. After that, you can choose what kind of return you want, for example, due to double payment.
After this process, you will need to enter a PNR code, which you will find in the flight plan. Then follow the next step and be prepared for an application to attach some important documents. Even without a manual AirAsia call center, Air Asia can optimally manage all your businesses.
Raise your complaints via live chat
Of course, each service provided has its halves that feel that they were not optimal. Therefore, any company will certainly open up the opportunity for customers to submit their complaints as a form of criticism and correction of future developments. Therefore, Air Asia offers you the opportunity to submit complaints through this live chat service.
Even without passing through the AirAsia call center , customers have the flexibility to submit various complaints and information to Air Asia airlines. The stage of filing complaints is not too complicated. As always, you can chat live with AVA and share your complaints.
It is very different to file this complaint. To place a complaint or complaint, we get the address of a special link . Previously, you had to type “feedback” or “feedback” in the AVA chat room, and then also type “complaints.”
Then follow the next step, and if you have received a feedback link, the customer can immediately fill it out and tell you what the customer’s complaint is. Once done, click Send and wait for the airline to send you a replying email. Isn’t it easy enough to complain online?
As a reliable airline, Air Asia always strives to provide the best unlimited service to its customers. For this reason, this live chat service is here to make it easier to interact with the airline. Even without an AirAsia call center, you will have the greatest comfort.